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Exciting update from Education for All

Education for All launched a campaign to get the EFA girls online during lockdown and with many donations were able to buy tablets, SIM cards and internet data for all the girls who will sit their baccalaureate exams this Summer.  This lockdown has highlighted the huge digital divide faced by those living in remote rural areas. The EFA girls have not had access to the online lessons offered by the Moroccan government during these 3 months of lockdown.  The provisions of tablets means the girls can study when away from the houses, be that during lockdown or over the long summer holidays. Each year they graduate from the houses they will give their tablets to the girls coming next. The tablets and internet data give them the access and freedom to learn that they deserve.  You can see how much this means in this video made by one of the girls on their new tablet! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q_QlS9QEUaY

To find out more take a look at their twitter page:  @EFAMorocco​