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Walk to School Week

Next week, our school is taking part in Walk to School Week. The five-day walking challenge is an annual celebration of the walk to school, brought to you by Living Streets. The fun and engaging week-long activity for primary schools has been built to make pupils experience first-hand the importance of walking to school. Through this challenge, children will be well on their way to reaching their recommended 60 minutes minimum of physical activity per day before even reaching the school gates!

This year’s challenge, #PowerUp, will engage pupils through video game-inspired design, encouraging them to travel sustainably to school every day of the week. Each day will see a level unlocked and a new mission to complete, through which pupils will discover the incredible benefits of walking for individuals, communities and the planet. Each pupil will be challenged to travel sustainably (walk, wheel, scoot, cycle or Park and Stride) to school every day for one week using a wallchart and stickers to log their journeys. Each class will work collectively to make as many active journeys to school as possible across the week.