World Maths Day
We are celebrating World Maths Day in school today and the children from Y1 - 6 will have a special Maths assembly. We have also been given a short trial of Mathletics to help us to celebrate this day. The trial has begun and will end on Sunday 18th March. Each child in Year 1 up to Year 6 has their own personal log in which they will be handed out this week.
Each year group will be given an allocated slot to spend some time playing on Mathletics today. They will then be able to bring their log in details home and play further if they would like to.
The website for children is:
Thinking ahead, we may decide to subscribe to Mathletics for the next academic year. If you would like to give any feedback it would be much appreciated. Please send it to and address the email to either Miss Kay or Miss Fifer.
Kind regards,
Miss Kay and Miss Fifer