Nursery Notice Board
10th January 2025
Welcome to Nursery
There will be exciting work on our playground for the next two weeks. There will be an area blocked off to allow access for morning drop off and 3.30 collection as usual. Children being collected at 11.45 and arriving at 12.30 will use the Kitchen Garden which is opposite the usual Nursery gate.
Home School Partnership Evening 2024
Please make sure that you have put your child's name on their jumpers/sweatshirts/cardigans/coats and their water bottles and lunchboxes. Thank you.
Please collect your child on time as it can be upsetting for children to see that their new friends are going when they have not yet been collected. Thank you.
Please can you make a donation of plain bread sticks and rice cake/corn cakes for the children to share at snack time. We will also be very grateful for donations of spare socks and trousers. Thank you.
- Weather
With the weather changing, please make sure you child brings in a waterproof jacket or rain coat in case of any cold weather or rain. - Library Reading for Pleasure book
We will be visiting the library every Thursday. Please make sure your child brings a book bag to take their book home. Please return library books by Wednesday each week.
Learning this week
This will be where you will find the children's learning for the week.
Book(s) of the Week |
Rhyme of the Week |
Click on the picture to watch a version of the story. |
In class we will be:
- Listening to the story and talking about the progression of feelings through the book.
- Painting snowmen - counting 1 nose, 2 eyes and 3 buttons.
- Looking for the number 3 in our Nursery.
To reinforce your child’s learning you could:
Personal, social and emotional development
- Practise putting on their own coats
- Play a simple turn taking game at home
- Talk about how we can be kind to others (including sharing and turn taking)
- Practising washing hands with more independence
- Practise putting on and taking off shoes and socks.
- Point out words that rhyme with others
- Point out words with the same initial sound like 'apple' and 'ant'
- Go on a listening walk where you identify and describe the different sounds in the environment
- Talk about the initial sounds in words
- Sound talk simple words e.g. "can you put on your c-oa-t?" "can you see the c-a-t?"
- Practice showing 'finger numbers' (showing one finger to represent one, two fingers to represent two etc.)
- Practice counting object (making sure to point to each object when saying a number names) and then to match a numeral to this amount
- Look for the numerals in the environment (e.g. on buses, doors, in the supermarket)
- Discussing the height, length and size of objects
- Discussing shapes and using these to make a picture/ build a model
Understanding the world
- Look for and talk about signs of autumn
- Talk about different celebrations through the year
Expressive Arts & Design
- Sing Nursery Rhymes and songs
- Exploring colour and colour mixing
- Practice drawing shapes to make a picture
- Take part in simple pretend play and play with small world toys
If your child says they do nothing at Nursery, try these 5 things.
1. If at all possible, go for a walk. Walking seems to work nicely to facilitate chatting.
2. If they don't want to chat at all, tell them about your day. Explain what you had for lunch and where you have been. Then they can see the conversation modelled when you ask "what did you do today?
3. Play a game. When you get home from Nursery, play for 5 minutes. It is amazing to see what they drop into conversation when engaged in play, especially role-play.
4. Share one good thing or one bad thing about your day. Encourage your child to do the same.
5. Asking silly questions or opposite questions.
Phase 1 Phonics
Phase One of Letters and Sounds concentrates on developing children's speaking and listening skills and lays the foundations for the phonic work which starts in Phase 2. The emphasis during Phase 1 is to get children attuned to the sounds around them and ready to begin developing oral blending and segmenting skills.
Phase 1 is divided into seven aspects. Each aspect contains three strands: Tuning in to sounds (auditory discrimination), Listening and remembering sounds (auditory memory and sequencing) and Talking about sounds (developing vocabulary and language comprehension).
For more information, click here.
Singing Nursery Rhymes
In school we use Little Wandle's Rhyme Time activities. They have made a video of each rhyme which you can view on their parent page.
So far we have learnt:
Heads, Shoulders, Knees and Toes
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 Once I Caught a Fish Alive
Five Little Men in a Flying Saucer
Tapestry: Observations by parents/ carers
One of the fantastic features of Tapestry is that parents/carers can also add observations/wow moments to their child’s journal.
This is a great way of supporting us in assessing your child outside the school environment. It also provides us with opportunities to share things that the child has been doing and celebrate any achievements your child has made at home.
Here are some examples of things that the children like to share with us and their friends:
- special celebrations that they have been a part of
- visits to the dentist or hairdresser
- trips to parks or museums
- something that they achieved at a club or other extracurricular activity
- milestones that they have achieved during the month e.g. riding their bike or getting themselves dressed
- home learning or artwork that had been done at home
When adding an observation to your child's journal please remember to:
- Add a title to your observation to summarise your moment E.g. My Winter Holiday, Doing up my zip
- When writing your observation keep it simple. Ask your child what they would like to tell us and try and record what your child said in their exact words. You could then add a comment to tell us more or explain why this is a "wow" moment
- If you wish, then you can then add a photo or video to your observation (please keep videos to a maximum of 1 minute long).
For information on how to add a Tapestry observation, you can watch the following video:
For information on setting up your Tapestry account, you can watch the following video:
Learning Trees
Please take a look at the Nursery Learning Tree. This is an overview of the learning that the children will doing this term.
Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)
Please find below information from Hounslow about Early Years Pupil Premium (EYPP)...:
EYPP is extra Government money to boost your three or four year old’s early learning. Your child’s childcare provider or school nursery could get up to £353.40 per year to help with your child’s education. Your childcare provider or school will get the EYPP payment paid to them.
Your child could enjoy
- Exciting new learning activities
- Extra equipment to help with learning
- Toys, books and equipment to use at home to help them learn
- One to one or small group sessions
- Widening their life experiences.
It helps your child to:
- Be ready for school
- Develop the language skills that will give them a good start
- Develop self-confidence and social skills
- Keep healthy and active
- Your childcare provider or school nursery will work with you on how best to spend the money
For more information, please click on the following link
Names on clothes
Please name ALL of your child’s uniform, including coats and shoes. As I’m sure you are aware, the children do have a tendency to leave jumpers and cardigans around. If they are not named, it becomes very difficult for us to reunite lost items with the correct child.
Please also put names on water bottles and lunchboxes.
Home School Communication Book
This book is intended to be an additional way for parents and school staff to communicate information. If you have something that you would like to tell us, please write in the Home School Book and hand it to the member of staff who is on the gate. We will read your comments and reply either in writing or in person. Please note that this book is not for communication about going home arrangements.
Drinks and Snacks
We encourage the children to drink water throughout the day. Please can children bring a bottle of water with their name on every day. These will be stored in the classroom so that the children can help themselves throughout the day. You can also order milk. Please see website for more details.
To reinforce our commitment to healthy eating, we like to be able to offer the children fruit/vegetables and bread sticks or rice cakes as a snack during their session. We would very much appreciate donations and will let you know when to bring these in at the beginning of September.
We are a no nuts school. We have no nuts in our school dinners and children are not permitted to have products with nuts or sesame seeds, as some children have serious allergies to these foods. Please be mindful of all snacks that you send into school that may contain nuts that are not obvious.
It is essential that you inform us of any allergies that your child may have.
Reading for Pleasure Books for class
As part of our focus on reading in school, we would like to develop the lending library of books within each class. This will enable the children to foster a passion and love of reading at Belmont and ensure that they have access to high quality texts.
Please find links to two book lists that have a variety of books that we would love to have in class. Once a book has been donated to the class we will add a tick to show we now have it. Please check the list to ensure that the book that you would like to donate is one that we don't already have.
The books come from the Recommended Books for Nursery List which can be found here.
Reading at home
Each child will need to bring their book bag in ready for our library day.
Please can you return the library book inside the book bag the day before their Library day.
Return books on: | Library Day: | |
All groups | Wednesday | Thursday |
Reading at Belmont
A prime focus for us is to instill and develop a love of reading for all learners. In order to encourage your child to become a lifelong reader, it is important that they learn to Read for Pleasure. As such, the children have access to high quality books both in class and in the library. The children choose two books each week from a selection of story and fact books. This is at the heart of our commitment to encouraging our children to become lifelong readers. These books come home with the children on their library day and must be returned before another can be borrowed.
Please remember that you shouldn’t expect your child to read these books alone. Read the books to or with them. Discuss the pictures, enjoy the story, predict what might happen next, use different voices for the characters, and explore the facts in a non-fiction book. The main thing is that everyone has lots of fun!
There are two types of reading book that your child will have access to at home:
- A Reading for Pleasure sharing book. Children will not be able to read this on their own. This book is for you to both read and enjoy together.
- A library book. As above, please spend time with your child reading and discussing the book together.
Additional Information
Nursery staff
Class teachers: Mrs Caroline Roberts & Ms Melanie Pearce
Early Years Practitioners: Miss Kimberley Buckles, Miss Charlotte Smith
Teaching Assistant: Ms Nasrin Pasebani
PTA Class Reps
When you drop off your child at the beginning of the session, please can you drop them at the gate and go to avoid congestion at the main gate.
For pick up, as the playground gets very busy, please stand back away from the door and we will call your child when we see you. The children find it hard to see their adult if there is a big crowd at the bottom of the ramp. Once you have picked up, please leave the playground as it does get very busy.
Thank you for all your support with this.
Visible Learning
As you may be aware, the school is engaged in the Visible Learning. As part of this process all staff have undertaken projects within their year groups. The characteristics of effective learning are a key element in the early year's foundation stage. They detail the ways in which children should be learning from their environment, experiences and activities. Children will be displaying the characteristics of effective learning every day. We would like the children to become more familiar with these so have created alien characters for each characteristic.
Characteristics of Effective Learning Aliens
You can support us with the project by:
1. Using the language of learning with the children. For instance, rather than asking “what work have you done?” you could ask “what have you learnt?”
2. Talking to the children at the beginning of the week about the learning that we will be focusing on. This is always on the weekly letter that comes home.
3. When the children are engaged in learning outside of school, make this explicit to the children. For instance, “you have been learning how to write your name.”
4. Become familiar with the alien characters and encourage the children to think about which characteristics they have been using in their learning. For example, “I loved how you kept on trying to learn to ride your bike. You have been a real Trying Trip.”