Year Two Notice Board
Books we are reading in class this term include:
Notices 10.02.25
This noticeboard will be updated on Monday afternoons to share homework and keep you updated with life in Year 2.
My Child At School
New Parent Portal Launches at Belmont!
My Child At School (MCAS) will revolutionise the partnership between home and school.
Please check you email for the registration code.
The code expires after 24 hours.
Reading Books
Please note: If your child is reading the Fluency Level (Chapter) Reading Books, we will only be issuing a new ebook for them every 3 weeks. This is because we read two chapters per week for our reading lessons. Therefore we only expect the children to read these two chapters at home each week. If you require any further clarification please ask the class teacher.
Please note that we are unable to send hard copies of these books home with the children as we only have a single set of each book for use in school by Key Stage 1 and Lower Key Stage 2 classes. Thank you for your understanding.
Home School Partnership Evening - Please see a link below for the slides used at this year's Home School Partnership on Wednesday (25th September).
Year 2 - Home School Partnership Evening
Water Bottles - Please ensure that your child brings a named water bottle to school with them each day so that they can hydrate regularly throughout the day.
Reading for Pleasure
As part of our continued focus on reading in school, we would like to continue the lending library of books within each class. This will enable the children to foster a passion and love of reading at Belmont and ensure that they have access to high quality texts.
Please find links to the book list that has a variety of books that we would love to have in class. Once a book has been donated to the class we will add a tick to show we now have it. Please check the list to ensure that the book that you would like to donate is one that we don't already have.
These books will be stamped to show who has generously donated them and shared with all the class. The books come from the Recommended Books for Year 2 List which can be found below.
Apricots class list for books already bought below: Updated 8.1.25 (Thank you)
Reading Records - once they have been given out, reading records should be returned to school every Monday with a comment about how your child has read in the past week. This is so the reading records can be checked and a new reading book can be allocated or given. We also give out the reading for pleasure/sharing books on Mondays, so these books also need to be brought to school along with the reading records. Please note that some children will be bringing home a physical copy of the book, wherever possible and others will be issued an ebook.
Spring Topic
Our topic this term is called 'Fighting For Survival' and we will be learning about the history of nursing, with a focus on Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole and the Crimean War.
The below list is part of an initiative called Word Aware that we are using in school. We thought it would be helpful to share this list with you so that you can use some of these words at home when discussing the topic. If your child speaks a different language at home, it would be helpful to discuss and translate these words using your home language. We may add to this list during the topic as new words are introduced.
Word Aware - Fighting for Survival - Spring 2025
Home Learning
Each Year 2 child will bring home a CGP KS1 English - Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Homework Book. Details on which task to complete will appear below and these books need to be returned each Wednesday to be marked in class. Do not let your child complete all of the tasks in these books, we will set work linked to what we teach in class where possible and we will be assigning tasks each week therefore the book will not be completed in page order.
Maths home learning for each week will be set on Google Classroom and the grammar home learning details will be listed in the Home Learning table below.
Books for Year 2
Here is a list of 50 books that are recommended reads for Year 2.
Handwriting sheets (to print off at home)
Handwriting cursive days of the week
Calendar/ Key dates
Wednesday 12th February - Year 2 Presentation to Parents (2:00-2:30pm)
Thursday 13th February - Year 2 Presentation to Parents (9:30-10:00am)
Friday 14th February - Damsons visit to the Florence Nightingale Museum
Monday 17th - Friday 21st February - Half Term break
Home Learning timetable
Please see the table below for details of the home learning tasks.
Reading |
15 minutes daily. Please return reading records every Monday to let us see how your child is getting on and to let the children get new reading books. Make sure that the adult records a comment to say how the reading has gone. Children will take a school library book to read at home for pleasure. Please return these on your child's class library day so that they can choose a new book. |
Spellings |
Please note there will be no spellings homework for half term. We will set spelling homework again on Monday 24th February.
The link below has the Common Exception Words for KS1 if you would like some extra spellings to practise at home.
Times-tables |
Times Table Challenges can be printed here. |
CGP KS1 English - Grammar, Punctuation & Spelling Homework Book |
Please note that there will be no grammar homework set this week. We will set the next grammar homework on Monday 24th February, after the half term break.
Please note that we will be marking page 21 (Apostrophes for Possession) this week in class, on Wednesday (5th February).
Grammar books must be brought to school every Wednesday for marking.
Maths |
Maths homework - No homework this week. The next homework will be set after the half term break.
Please check Google Classroom every Monday afternoon for details of the maths task that has been set. No homework is set during holidays.
Here is a link to our calculation policy. Please refer to this when you are working with your child at home. |
Creative Home Learning Project |
Spring Creative Home Learning - See Google Classroom for details. |
General Routine Information
Monday |
We complete our weekly spellings.
Please return reading records and Reading for Pleasure books.
Tuesday |
Damsons Gardening Lesson
Outdoor PE (Damsons & Apricots) |
Apricots & Damsons need to come to school in a full Belmont PE kit that is labelled. |
Wednesday |
Apricots Gardening Lesson
Indoor PE (Damsons and Apricots) |
Apricots & Damsons need to come to school in a full Belmont PE kit that is labelled.
Both classes to bring in CGP grammar books for marking homework.
Thursday |
Library (Apricots and Damsons) |
Apricots and Damsons should bring in their library books. |
Friday |
Times-Table Challenge
The Times Tables challenge are completed in class on Fridays.
For further information about Home Learning and ideas on how to support your child please click here.
Common Exception Words - these are the words to read and spell by the end of Y2
Learning this week: | |
English |
Information Texts |
Maths |
Multiplication |
Learning next week: | |
English | Information Texts |
Maths | Multiplication and division |
Class Reps
Our class reps are:
BHSA Apricots: Michelle & Joe
BHSA Damsons: Luciana, Ariane, Despoina & Marija